
Amelia Park Children's Museum strives to create a welcoming and accommodating museum for children of all abilities.

Wheelchairs and Strollers

Our front doors are equipped with push-button door openers to accommodate wheelchairs and strollers.

Only limited stroller parking is available. On busy days, we recommend leaving your stroller in your vehicle.

Changing Facilities

The center restroom is equipped with a changing table and diaper disposal bags. Please do not use exhibit spaces or the floor to change your child.

Nursing and Bottle Feeding

Nursing and pumping are allowed anywhere on museum property. Please ask a staff member if you require specific accommodations.

Sensory Bags

Sensory bags, equipped with noise-cancelling headphones, sunglasses, a facility map, and stim toys are available to borrow at the front desk. You may request one free of charge at any time during your visit.